The entire NoPainOffice system was developed in collaboration with doctors,
physiotherapists and experts in the musculoskeletal system of the human body.
Emphasis has been placed not only on the effectiveness of the exercises,
but also on safety during exercise.
Researchers from the University of Cambridge found in a study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition that more people die from problems caused by lack of physical activity than from the effects of obesity. And it's perfectly sufficient to include adequate physical activity such as NoPainOffice in your daily routine as part of prevention. This is based on research in which they monitored the weight and physical activity levels of 334 161 Europeans over twelve years and recorded all deaths. It has been clear for centuries that movement is a basic biological need for all living things.
The current lifestyle of most Slovaks is characterized by a steadily decreasing amount of physical activity, and lack of exercise is more dangerous than poor diet in that an active organism tries to make efficient use of any food, but a passive organism has no way of substituting for the physiological effects of physical activity, no matter how perfect the diet may be. Unfortunately lack of exercise - does not hurt. Evolution seems to have changed over the last century, and man may be defined as a HOMO SEDENS whose characteristics are mainly associated with a term like hypokinesis.
It is therefore appropriate not to think about this fact anymore, but to include regular movement in daily life. I always teach my students the principle that just as they do not go to bed at night without brushing their teeth, they should not go to bed without physical activity, even if only of moderate intensity. Even today, the adage of ""Healthy Body Healthy Spirit"" holds true, which is doubly true in today's pandemic era. I believe that the opportunity to work out with NoPainOffice, for example, will be your first step on the road to health and a happy future.
Sedentary lifestyle has become a normal part of our functioning in recent years. We sit at work, at home, in front of the TV, while relaxing. This brings a toll in the form of various health problems and not only with the spine. We are irritable, tired, we have headaches, neck pain, lower back pain... In addition, this lifestyle is also closely linked to a lack of exercise, which of course leads to other problems - obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, certain types of cancer, cardiovascular disease and, last but not least, an increased risk of premature death.
In general, to prevent a cardiovascular disease, it is recommended to take at least 10,000 steps a day and exercise 150 minutes a week. Unfortunately, not everyone has the ability or desire to achieve this. Therefore, even the simplest exercise or movement has the benefit of reducing the impact of a sedentary lifestyle on the body, and just a few minutes of exercise a day reduces stress levels, muscle tension, and relieves stiffness and pain in the neck, lower back and limbs. When we exercise, endorphins are released, which has a positive effect on our mood.
If a person has a sedentary job, and does not have the opportunity to workout regularly, it is good to at least change the stereotypes that he has established. Change the position on the chair regularly, stand up more often and walk around a bit, follow a drinking regime, don't overeat high-calorie foods, walk if possible when on the phone, don't use the elevator. Another new exercise is the so-called office chair exercise - a set of simple movements and exercises that do not take a lot of time but can help with recovery and relieve pain or fatigue.
Patients with spinal pain have recently started to fill the waiting rooms of outpatient doctors more and more often and in greater numbers. What is more serious, or rather alarming, is that these problems are affecting younger and younger age groups of the population. At present, the main causes of these problems include lower physical activity, mainly due to sedentary work, workload and stress, poorly learned movement stereotypes when handling loads and, last but not least, unilaterally focused loads.
These causes can be very closely linked and are often superimposed on congenital disorders of the spine and musculoskeletal system or injuries. Every single patient with cervical, thoracic or lumbar spine pain requires an individual approach. Spinal pain cannot be generalized and therefore the cornerstone of successful treatment of spinal pain is a correct and accurate diagnosis of the problem, followed by an appropriately chosen comprehensive treatment, whether conservative or surgical, based on interdisciplinary cooperation between doctors of several specialties and physiotherapists, who have a key role to play, especially with regard to conservative or early post-operative treatment.
In conclusion, I would like to add that you should not forget about prevention and, should you develop spinal pain, do not underestimate it, because, as I mentioned above, early and correct diagnosis and treatment can significantly influence the method and duration of treatment and, therefore, the quality of life.
Spinal and cardiovascular system diseases
There is a group of patients who are referred for a cardiological examination because of hypertension, headache, feeling of nausea and dizziness. Some of these patients do not show the expected improvement even after AH treatment and continue to experience dizziness, headache, feelings of weakness and sometimes arrhythmias despite normal blood pressure readings. The primary cause of difficulty in this group of patients is often cervical spine disease.
In the upper cervical spine, sensory nerves (vagus, glossopharyngeus), through which passed information about blood pressure and heart rate is delivered from the heart to the brain.
An unstable position of the cervical spine, whether functional or morphologically determined, results in the oppression of these nerves with their subsequent stretching during head movement, resulting in their irritation and sending incorrect information about pressure and frequency to the brain with a consequent inadequate response of the brain center for pressure and frequency, resulting in arrhythmias and hypertension.
In close proximity to the first and second cervical vertebrae run the main arteries that supply the brain (arteria carotis interna, arteria verteralis). Their oppression causes a drop in pressure in the brain area with a subsequent compensatory hypertensive reaction, the so-called vertebrobasilar insufficiency syndrome.
One of the most common causes of chest pain is musculoskeletal pain caused by functional or organic diseases of the thoracic spine. The difficulty can be similar to that of a heart attack as a result of which patients who do not have a heart attack are examined in the emergency room, or in a worse case, patients who have a heart attack think that their back has been hurt, stay at home and wait for it to pass by itself...
Take home message:
A healthy spine and cardiovascular system are much more related than they seem and proper physical activity focused on the health of your spine and cardiovascular system will save you, your cardiologists and not to mention neurologists, orthopedists and other -logists a lot of worry.
Michal Tomulec is behind the creation of the NoPainOffice training plan. A fitness trainer with almost 15 years of experience in the field.
„During my previous coaching and massage practice, hundreds of stiff necks and sore lower backs have been under my hands.“
„It didn't take long before I began to notice the common denominator behind these musculoskeletal difficulties - a sedentary job. I kept telling every client that prevention was the most important thing and what they could avoid - everything from migraines to cuts - if they would just move around now and then, and pay attention to proper posture. I often add with a smile, it's also the cheapest way to go.
I wondered how to get my tips to as many people as possible, and so the NoPainOffice training plan gradually began to take shape. I reached out to doctors and experts I trust 100% and together with them I developed a preventative-compensatory exercise program aimed at preventing problems that may be caused by sedentary work.
Invest those 15 minutes a day in an exercise routine that doesn't even require you to step away from your computer. Without changing clothes, chasing yourself to gyms and paying expensive trainers. The results will take your breath away.
I'm not offering miracle diet pills or a guaranteed guide on how to bust out the bricks on your belly in a month. I'm offering something that can change the quality of your ordinary days. See for yourself.
And stretch your back! :)”